Digital Lockers

Product Display:
  • smart-rental-lockers

    Smart Rental Lockers

    MSRP: $20,806.50 - $49,727.53
    $16,500.00 - $39,435.00

    Our smart rental lockers offer a cutting-edge storage solution, combining advanced technology, sleek design, and customizable options to meet diverse storage needs. Designed for modern businesses, schools, apartments, gyms, offices, and public spaces,...

  • Charging Locker

    Charging Locker

    MSRP: $1,590.78 - $5,073.91
    $1,262.52 - $4,026.91

    Our charging lockers offer a secure and efficient solution for storing backpacks and laptops. Each locker has a built-in channel for discreetly concealing aftermarket electrical wiring, ensuring a neat and organized charging setup. The channels feature...

  • quick-access-rifle-safes

    Quick Access Rifle Safes

    MSRP: $4,288.35 - $5,790.48
    $3,350.00 - $4,650.00

    Quick access rifle safes provide secure, immediate access to firearms when needed most, making them ideal for school resource officers, campus police, courthouses, and police departments. These gun safes store long guns and pistols and have biometric...

  • Digital Locker

    Digital Locker

    MSRP: $437.86 - $4,617.96
    $346.41 - $3,653.45

    Our 12'' wide digital lockers offer a versatile storage solution in single, double, triple, or six-tier heights, catering to various organizational needs. The keyless locks can be easily programmed for temporary or permanent use, ensuring convenient...